
李凤琦,女,2012年毕业于中国科学技术大学生命科学学院并获得博士学位;2012-2014年在中国科学技术大学从事博士后研究工作,主要研究方向为肺脏区域免疫特性与呼吸道疾病;2014-2022年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院分子健康科学研究所Manfred Kopf教授实验室从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为肺泡巨噬细胞的发育、功能与肺脏疾病。已发表学术论文12篇,以第一或共第一作者身份在Science Immunology2022)、EMBO J2020)JEM 2014)Nature Communications 2013)和 JCI insight2022)等杂志发表论文6篇,以共作者身份在Immunity J. Allergy Clin. Immunol等杂志发表论文6篇。




1. Li, F.*, Piattini, F.*, Pohlmeier, L., Qian, F., Rehrauer, H., Kopf, M.# 2022 Monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages autonomously determine severe outcome of respiratory viral infection. Sci Immunol. 7, eabj5761. July 1, 2022


2. Li, F.*, Okreglicka, K.*, Piattini, F., Pohlmeier, L., Schneider, C., Kopf, M.# 2022 Gene therapy of Csf2ra-deficiency in mouse fetal monocyte precursors restores alveolar macrophage development and function. JCI insight. 7 7: e152271.


3. Li, F., Okreglicka, K., Pohlmeier, L., Schneider, C., Kopf, M.# 2020. Fetal monocytes possess increased metabolic capacity and replace primitive macrophages in tissue macrophage development. EMBO J. 39 3 e103205.


4. Wang, J.*, Li, F.*, Wei, H., Lian, Z.X., Sun, R., and Tian, Z.# 2014. Respiratory influenza virus infection induces intestinal immune injury via microbiota-mediated Th17 cell-dependent inflammation. J Exp Med. 21112, 2397-2410.


5. Wang, J.*, Li, F.*, Sun, R., Gao, X., Wei, H., Li, L.J., and Tian, Z.# 2013. Bacterial colonization dampens influenza-mediated acute lung injury via induction of M2 alveolar macrophages. Nat Commun. 4, 2106. *Co-first author


6. Li, F., Zhu H., Sun, R., Wei, H., and Tian, Z.# 2012. Natural killer cells are involved in acute lung immune injury caused by respiratory syncytial virus infection. J Virol. 86 4: 2251-8.


7. Nobs, S., Pohlmeier, L., Li, F., Kayhan, M., Becher, B., Kopf, M.# 2021 GM-CSF instigates a dendritic cell–T-cell inflammatory circuit that drives chronic asthma development. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 147 6, 2118-2133.e3.


8. Huang, C., Li, F., Wang, J.#, Tian, Z.# 2020. Innate-like lymphocytes and innate lymphoid cells in asthma. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 59 3359-370.


9. Minutti, C. M.*, Modak, R. V.*, Macdonald, F., Li, F., Smyth, D. J., Dorward, D. A., Blair, N., Husovsky, C., Muir, A., Giampazolias, E., Dobie, R., Maizels, R. M., Kendall, T. J., Griggs, D. W., Kopf, M., Henderson, N. C., Zaiss, D. M.# 2019. A macrophage-pericyte axis directs tissue restoration via amphiregulin-induced transforming growth factor beta activation. Immunity. 50 3 645-654.e6.


10. Wang, J.#, Li, F., and Tian, Z.# 2017. Role of microbiota on lung homeostasis and diseases. Sci China Life Sci. 6012:1407-1415.


11. Wang, J., Li, F., Sun, R., Gao, X., Wei, H., and Tian, Z# 2014. Klebsiella pneumoniae alleviates influenza-induced acute lung injury via limiting NK cell expansion. J Immunol. 1933, 1133-1141.


12. Wang, J., Li, F., Zheng, M., Sun, R., Wei, H., and Tian, Z#. 2012. Lung natural killer cells in mice: phenotype and response to respiratory infection. Immunology. 137 1, 37-47.