



相关成果获国家发明专利授权28项,曾获国家自然科学二等奖、国家科技进步二等奖、何梁何利科技进步奖等。以通讯作者在ScienceCellNat ImmunolImmunityJ Exp MedJ Clin InvestNat CommunPNASGastroenterologyHepatology等发表SCI论文300余篇(PNAS及以上50余篇)。任《Cellular & Molecular Immunology》(中国免疫学会英文会刊)执行主编、《Hepatology》编委、《Cytokine》编委、《Journal of Autoimmunity》编委、《中国免疫学杂志》主编等。



1. NK细胞新亚群发现;

2. 肝脏NK细胞;

3. 基于NK细胞的新型免疫治疗及产品研制


1.  Bai L#, Vienne M#, Tang L#, Kerdiles Y#, Etiennot M, Escalière B, GallusoJ, Wei H, Sun R*, Vivier E*, Peng H*, Tian Z*.Liver type 1 innate lymphoidcells develop locally via an interferon-γ-dependent loop. Science. 2021 Mar26;371(6536):eaba4177.

2.  Zhou Y, Fu B*,Xu X, Zhang J, Tong X, Wang Y, Dong Z, Zhang X, Shen N, ZhaiY, Kong X, Sun R, Tian Z*, Wei H*. PBX1 expression in uterine natural killercells drives fetal growth. Sci.Transl. Med. 2020; 12:1798.

3.   Zhou J, Peng H*, Li K, Qu K, Wang B, Wu Y, Ye L, Dong Z, Wei H, Sun R,Tian Z*. Liver-resident NK cells control antiviral activity of hepatic T cellsvia PD-1/PD-L1 axis. Immunity 2019; 50:403-417.

4.   Zheng X, Qian Y, Fu B, Jiao D, Jiang Y, Chen P, Shen Y, Zhang H, Sun R,Tian Z*, Wei H*. Mitochondrial fragmentation limits NK cell-based tumorimmunosurveillance. Nat Immunol 2019; 20:1656-1667.

5.  Zhang Q, Bi J, Zheng X, Chen Y, Wang H, Wu W, Wang Z, Wu Q, Peng H, Wei H,Sun R*, Tian Z*. Blockade of the checkpoint receptor TIGIT prevents NK cellexhaustion and elicits potent anti-tumor immunity. Nat Immunol 2018; 723–732 .

6.   Cong J, Wang X, Zheng X, Wang D, Fu B, Sun R, Tian Z*, Wei H*. Dysfunctionof Natural Killer Cells by FBP1-Induced Inhibition of Glycolysis during LungCancer Progression. Cell Metab 2018: 28:243-255.

7.   Fu B,  Zhou Y, Ni X, Tong X, XuX,  Dong Z, Sun R, Tian Z*, Wei H*.Natural Killer Cells Promote Fetal Developmentthrough the Secretion of Growth-PromotingFactors. Immunity 2017; 47:1100-1113

8.   Chen S, Yang M, Du J, Li D, Li Z, Cai C, Ma Y, Zhang L, Tian Z*, Dong Z*.The Self-Specific Activation Receptor SLAM Family Is Critical for NK CellEducation. Immunity 2016; 45:292-304.

9.   Yan Y, Jiang W, Liu L, Wang X, Ding C, Tian Z*, Zhou R*. Dopamine controlssystemic inflammation through inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome. Cell 2015;160:62-73.

10. Wang X, Jiang W, Yan Y, Gong T, Han J, Tian Z*, Zhou R*. RNA virusespromote activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome through a RIP1-RIP3-DRP1 signalingpathway. Nat Immunol 2014; 15:1126-33.

11. Yan Y, Jang W, Spinetti T, Tardivel A, Castillo R, Guarda G, Tian Z*,Tschopp J, Zhou RB*. ω-3 fatty acids prevent inflammation and metabolicdisorder through inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Immunity 2013,38:1154-63.



