
潘磊,博士,研究员三级,中国科学院青年创新促进会成员,优秀会员择优支持,上海市青年拔尖人才,中国科学院卓越中心骨干,入选中国细胞生物学学会青年科学家。其2004年毕业于南开大学生命科学学院。同年免试就读于中国科学院生物物理研究所。2006.1-2009.12入选博士联合培养计划,在美国Stowers生物医学研究所完成全部硕博学业。2010年博士毕业后直接竞聘为中国科学院生物物理研究所副研究员。仅四年破格晋升为正高级研究员,博士生导师。2018年起担任研究所院重点实验室肠道微环境与健康研究组研究组组长。仅第一作者和通讯作者在NatureCell Stem Cell, Cell Host Microbes, Nature Microbiology等高水平期刊上发表研究成果十数篇,多篇入选F1000。并承担科技部重大研究项目,中国科学院先导项目,973,基金委重大国际合作等多项研究任务。同时作为特邀编委参与出版Bioprotocol实验手册一部,且撰写科普书籍《百年果蝇-神奇的吸露者》一部。


1. Pan L, Chen S, Weng C, Call G, Zhu D, Tang H, Zhang N, Xie T. Stem Cell Aging Is Controlled Both Intrinsically and Extrinsically in the Drosophila Ovary. Cell stem cell, 2007, 1:458-469 (Faculty 1000 factor=6,cited 103)

2. Xie T, Song X, Jin Z, Pan L, Weng C, Chen S, Zhang N. Interactions between Stem Cells and Their Niche in the Drosophila Ovary. COLD SPRING HARB SYM. 2008, 73:39-47

3. Yu J*, Pan L*, Qin X, Chen H, Xu Y, Chen Y and Tang H. MTMR4 attenuates TGFβ signaling by dephosphorylating R-Smads in endosomes. The Journal of biological chemistry 2010, 285(11):8454-62. (*co-first author)

4. Wang X*, Pan L*, Wang S*, Zhou J, McDowell W, Park J, Haug J, Staehling K, Tang H, Xie T. Histone H3K9 Trimethylase Eggless Controls Germline Stem Cell Maintenance and Differentiation. PLoS genetics 2011, 7(12): e1002426. (*co-first author)

5. Zhang X, Weng C, Li Y, Wang X, Jiang C, Li X, Xu Y, Chen Q, Pan L* and Tang H*. Human Bop is a novel BH3-only member of the Bcl-2 protein family. Protein & Cell 2012, 3 (10): 790–801 (* Correspondence author)

6. Yu J, He X, Chen Y, Hao Y, Yang S, Wang L, Pan L* and Tang H*. Myotubularin-related protein 4 (MTMR4) attenuates BMP/Dpp signaling by dephosphorylation of Smad proteins. The Journal of biological chemistry 2013, 288 (1): 79-88 (* Correspondence author)

7. Yan D, Neumuller RA, Buckner M, Ayers K, Li H, Hu Y, Yang ZD, Pan L, Wang X, Kelley C, Vinayagam A, Binari R, Randklev S, Perkins LA, Xie T, Cooley L, and Perrimon N. A Regulatory Network of Drosophila Germline Stem Cell Self-Renewal. Developmental Cell 2014, 28, 459–473. (Resource article)

8. Chen J, Zhao Y, Zhang C, Chen H, Feng J, Chi X, Pan Y, Du J, Guo M, Cao H, Chen H, Wang Z, Pei R, Wang Q, Pan L, Niu J, Chen X, Tang H. Persistent hepatitis C virus infections and hepatopathological manifestations in immune-competent humanized mice. Cell Research, 2014;doi:10.1038

9. Pan L*, Wang S*, Lu T, Weng C, Song X, Park J, Sun J, Yang Z, Yu J, Tang H, McKearin D, Chamovitz D, Ni J, Xie T. Protein competition switches the function of COP9 from self-renewal to differentiation. NATURE, 2014; doi:10.1038/nature13562

10. He X*, Yu J*, Wang M, Cheng Y, Han Y, Yang S, Sun L, Fang Y, Gong S, Wang Z, Fu Y, Pan L# and Tang H #. Bap180/Baf180 is required to maintain homeostasis of intestinal innate immune response in Drosophila and mice. Nat. Microbiol. 2, 17056 (2017). (# Correspondence author)