




副教授。2013年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获得博士学位。2014年至2015年在中国科学技术大学生命科学学院从事博士后研究工作,并在2016年至2019年期间作为特任副研究员进行课题研究。2020年任中国科学技术大学副教授。研究工作围绕自身免疫性疾病的发病机制及治疗靶点寻找展开。研究成果以第一作者或共同通讯作者发表在J Autoimmun., Cell Mol Immunol., Autoimmun Rev., Clin Rev Allergy Immunol.等学术期刊。被SCI收录论文十余篇,共被引用200余次。






  1. Zhao ZB#, Lu FT#Ma HD#, Wang YH, Yang W, Long J, Miao Q, Zhang W, Tian Z, Ridgway WM, Cao J, Gershwin ME, Lian ZX.*. 2020. Liver-resident NK cells suppress autoimmune cholangitis and limit the proliferation of CD4+ T cells. Cell Mol Immunol. 17(2):178-189.

  2. Ma H#Tao W#, Zhu S*.2019.T lymphocytes in the intestinal mucosa: defense and tolerance. Cell Mol Immunol. 16(3):216-224

  3. Ma HD, Zhao ZB, Ma WT, Liu QZ, Gao CY, Li L, Wang J, Tsuneyama K, Liu B, Zhang W, Zhou Y*, Gershwin ME, Lian ZX*. 2018. Gut microbiota translocation promotes autoimmune cholangitis. J Autoimmun. 95:47-57.

  4. Ma HD, Ma WT, Liu QZ, Zhao ZB, Liu MZY, Tsuneyama K, Gao JM, Ridgway WM, Ansari AA, Gershwin ME, Fei YY*, Lian ZX*.2017. Chemokine receptor CXCR3 deficiency exacerbates murine autoimmune cholangitis by promoting pathogenic CD8+ T cell activation. J Autoimmun 78:19-28.

  5. Ma WT#, Jia YJ#, Liu QZ, Yang YQ, Yang JB, Zhao ZB, Yang ZY, Shi QH, Ma HD*,Gershwin ME and Lian ZX*. 2017. Modulation of liver regeneration via myeloid PTEN deficiency. Cell Death Dis. 25;8(5):e2827

  6. Li L#, Yang SH#, Yao Y, Xie YQ, Yang YQ, Wang YH, Yin XY, Ma HD*, Gershwin M, Lian ZX*. 2016. Block of both TGF-beta and IL-2 signaling impedes Neurophilin-1+ regulatory T cell and follicular regulatory T cell development. Cell Death Dis. 27;7(10):e2439

  7. Wang YC, Ma HD*, Yin XY, Wang YH, Liu QZ, Yang JB, Shi QH, Sun B, Gershwin ME, Lian ZX*. 2016. Forkhead Box O1 Regulates Macrophage Polarization Following Staphylococcus aureus Infection: Experimental Murine Data and Review of the Literature. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 51: 353-69.

  8. Xie YQ, Ma HD*, Lian ZX*. 2016. Epigenetics and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: a Comprehensive Review and Implications for Autoimmunity. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 50: 390-403.

  9. Ma HD, Wang YH, Chang C, Gershwin ME, Lian ZX*. 2015. The intestinal microbiota and microenvironment in liver. Autoimmun Rev 14: 183-91

  10. Deng YR#Ma HD#Tsuneyama K, Yang W, Wang YH, Lu FT, Liu CH, Liu P*, He XS, Diehl AM, Gershwin ME, Lian ZX*. 2013. STAT3-mediated attenuation of CCl4-induced mouse liver fibrosis by the protein kinase inhibitor sorafenib. J Autoimmun 46: 25-34




