





1. 细胞分裂过程中,细胞壁和外膜重构的分子机制。

2. 原核骨架蛋白调控细菌细胞三维形态的机制。

3. 发展适用于原核细胞的高通量超分辨成像和单分子探测方法。

特任研究员,于北京大学化学与分子工程学院获得学士和博士学位。之后以博士后和Research Associate身份在美国约翰斯·霍普金斯医学院工作,研究细菌的细胞分裂机制。发现了原核生物细胞分裂骨架蛋白FtsZ的动态踏车组装行为,以及其在分子层面对细胞壁合成酶的调控机理。


1. Yang, X*., McQuillen, R., Lyu, Z., Phillips-Mason, P., De La Cruz, A., McCausland, J. W., ... & Xiao, J*. (2021). A two-track model for the spatiotemporal coordination of bacterial septal cell wall synthesis revealed by single-molecule imaging of FtsW. Nature microbiology, 6(5), 584-593.

2. Bohrer, C. H., Yang, X., Thakur, S., Weng, X., Tenner, B., McQuillen, R., ... & Xiao, J*. (2021). A pairwise distance distribution correction (DDC) algorithm to eliminate blinking-caused artifacts in SMLM. Nature Methods18(6), 669-677.

3. McCausland, J. W., Yang, X., Squyres, G. R., Lyu, Z., Bruce, K. E., Lamanna, M. M., ... & Liu, J*. (2021). Treadmilling FtsZ polymers drive the directional movement of sPG-synthesis enzymes via a Brownian ratchet mechanism. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-13.

4. Wooten, M., Snedeker, J., Nizami, Z. F., Yang, X., Ranjan, R., Urban, E., ... & Chen, X*. (2019). Asymmetric histone inheritance via strand-specific incorporation and biased replication fork movement. Nature structural & molecular biology, 26(8), 732-743.

5. Yang, X., Lyu, Z., Miguel, A., McQuillen, R., Huang, K. C*., & Xiao, J*. (2017). GTPase activity–coupled treadmilling of the bacterial tubulin FtsZ organizes septal cell wall synthesis. Science355(6326), 744-747.


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