1997年毕业于沈阳药科大学日语药学系,2000年获药理学硕士学位。2004年,毕业于日本东京大学获博士学位。2004-2005年在美国国立卫生研究院癌症研究所(NCI/NIH)做博士后。2005-2010年美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院博士后及Research Associate。多年来从事肿瘤发生发展相关的机制研究及抗肿瘤药物的研发, 研究成果发表于Cancer Cell、Cell、PNAS、Cell Reports、Nature Communications,Oncogene、J of Clinical Investigation、JBC等期刊上, 并被《华盛顿邮报》等美国主流传媒进行了专题报道,论文被引用2000余次。2008年曾获约翰霍普金斯医学院传统的Albert Lehninger Award。目前承担国家自然科学基金委面上项目和国家重大科学研究计划973项目等。
1. Huang D, Li T, Li X, Zhang L, Sun L, He X, Zhong X, Jia D, Song L, Semenza GL, Gao P and Zhang H*. HIF-1-Mediated Suppression of Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenases and Fatty Acid Oxidation is Critical for Cancer Progression.Cell Reports.2014;8(6):1930-42.
2. Ma X, Li C, Sun L, Huang D, Li T, He X, Wu G, Yang Z, Zhong X, Song L, Gao P*, Zhang H*. Lin28/let-7 axis regulates aerobic glycolysis and cancer progression via PDK1.Nature Communications. 2014;5:5212.
3. Huang D, Li C, Zhang H*. Hypoxia and cancer cell metabolism. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2014;46(3):214-9.
4. Gao P, Sun L, He X, Cao Y, Zhang H*. MicroRNAs and the Warburg Effect: new players in an old arena. Curr Gene Ther. 2012;12(4):285-91.
5. Zhang H, Wong CC, Wei H, Gilkes DM, Korangath P, Chaturvedi P, Schito L, Chen J, Winnard PT Jr, Raman V, Zhen L, Mitzner WA, Sukumar S. HIF-1-dependent expression of angiopoietin-like 4 and L1CAM mediates vascular metastasis of hypoxic breast cancer cells to the lungs. Oncogene. 2012;31(14):1757-70.
6.Yoshida T#, Zhang H#, Iwase T, Shen J, Semenza GL, Campochiaro PA. Digoxin inhibits retinal ischemia-induced HIF-1alpha expression and ocular neovascularization. FASEB J. 2010;24(6):1759-67. (#Co-first)
7. Zhang H, Qian DZ, Tan Y, Lee K,Gao P, Ren YR,Rey S, Hammers H, Chang D,1 Pili R, Dang CV, Liu JO and Semenza GL. Digoxin and Other Cardiac Glycosides Inhibit HIF-1a Synthesis and Block Tumor Growth.PNAS. 2008;105 (50):19579-86.
8. Zhang H, Bosch-Marce M, Shimoda LA, Tan YS, Baek JH, Wesley JB, Gonzalez FJ, Semenza GL. Mitochondrial autophagy is an HIF-1-dependent adaptive metabolic response to hypoxia. J Biol Chem. 2008;283 (16):10892-903.
9. Zhang H, Gao P, Fukuda R., Kumar G, Krishnamachary B, Dang CV, Semenza GL. HIF-1 represses mitochondrial mass and respiration in VHL-null renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Cell. 2007;11(5):407-20.
10. Fukuda R, Zhang H., Kim JW, Shimoda L, Dang CV, Semenza GL. HIF-1 Regulates Cytochrome Oxidase Subunits to Optimize Efficiency of Respiration in Hypoxic Cells.Cell. 2007;129(1):111-22.
11. Gao P, Zhang H, Dinavahi R, Li F, Xiang Y, Raman V, Bhujwalla ZM, Felsher DW, Cheng L, Pevsner J, Lee LA, Semenza GL, Dang CV. HIF-dependent Anti-tumorigenic Effect of Anti-oxidants In Vivo. Cancer Cell. 2007;12(3):230-8.
12. Zhang H, A.Tomida, R Kosimisu, Y Ogiso, SH Lei and T Tsuruo. Cullin 3 promotes proteasomal degradation of the topoisomerase I-DNA covalent complex.Complex. Cancer Res. 2004;64(3):1114-21.