


朱 涛



Email: zhut@ustc.edu.cn



  1994年获武汉大学医学院医学学士学位, 2002年获新加坡国立大学博士学位,2003-2007年在新国大和美国约翰霍普金斯大学从事博士后研究。长期从事肿瘤分子病理学及医学转化研究,发表SCI论文60余篇,论文他引总数超过2000次,H-index=28。在Nat Commun、PNAS、Cancer Res、Small等杂志上共发表通讯作者论文20余篇,篇均影响因子>5。担任Am J Cancer Res等多家国际期刊资深编委或编委及数家海外科研基金评审。


1. Liu Y, Qian P, Chen C, Lu X, Sun B, Zhang X, Wang L, Gao X, Li H, Chen Z, Tang J, Zhang W, Dong J, Bai R, Lobie PE, Wu Q, Liu S, Zhang H, Zhao F, Wicha MS, Zhu T*, Zhao Y*. Gd-metallofullerenol nanomaterial nanomaterial as non-toxic cancer stem cell specific inhibitor. Nat Commun2015;In press.

2. Tan S, Ding K, Li R, Kong X, Qian P, Li G, Zhang W, Lev S, Lobie PE*, Zhu T*. miR-26 inhibits estrogen stimulated growth of breast cancer cells by targeting CHD1, GREB1 and KPNA2. Breast Cancer Res. 2014;16(2):R40.

3. Ding K, Banerjee A, Tan S, Zhao J, Zhuang Q, Li R, Qian P, Liu S, Wu ZS, Lobie PE*, Zhu T*. (2014) HER2 regulated ARTEMIN and mediates Trastuzumab resistance by promoting cancer stem cell-like behaviour in mammary carcinoma cells.J Biol Chem.2014;289,16057-71.

4.. Pandey V, Wu ZS, Zhang M, Li R, Zhang J, Zhu T*, Lobie PE*. TFF3 promotes metastatic seeding and predicts poor survival outcome of patients with mammary carcinoma. Breast Cancer Res. 2014;16(5):429.

5. Li X, Liu X, Xu W, Zhou P, Gao P, Jiang S, Lobie PE*, Zhu T*. c-Myc regulated miR-23a~24-2~27a cluster promotes mammary carcinoma cell invasion and hepatic metastasis by targeting SPRY2.J Biol Chem. 2013;288(25):18121-33.

6. Lu X, Liu Y, and Lobie PE, Chen C*, Zhu T*. Nanotoxicity: the growing need for study in the endocrine system. Small.2013;9(9-10):1654-71.

7. Jin K, Kong X, Shah T, Penet MF, Wildes F, Sgroi DC, Ma XJ, Huang Y, Kallioniemi A, Landberg G, Bieche I, Lobie PE, Davidson NE , Zaver M. Bhujwalla ZM, Zhu T*, Sukumar S*.  HOXB7 renders breast cancer resistant to tamoxifen through activation of the EGFR Pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2012;109(8):2736-41.

8. Qian PX, Banerjee A, Wu ZS, Zhang X, Wang H, Pandey V, Zhang WJ, Lv XF, Tan S, Lobie PE*, and Zhu T*. (2012) Loss of SNAIL regulated miR-128-2 on chromosome 3p22.3 promotes mammary epithelial cell oncogenic transformation via targeting multiple stem cell factors. Cancer Res. 2012;72(22):6036-50.

9. Qian P, Zuo Z, Wu Z, Meng X, Li G, Wu Z, Zhang W, Tan S, Pandey V, Yao Y, Wang P, Zhao L, Wang J, Wu Q, Song E, Lobie PE, Yin Z*, Zhu T*. Pivotal Role of Reduced let-7g Expression in Breast Cancer Invasion and Metastasis. Cancer Res. 2011;71(20):6463-74.

10. Wu ZS, Yang K, Wan Y, Qian PX, Perry JK, Mertani HC, Zhu T*, Lobie P*. Tumor expression of hGH and hPRL predict a worse survival outcome in patients with mammary and endometrial carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011;96(10):E1619-29.
