2009年2月起任中国科学技术大学生命科学学院副教授。首届“中国免疫学青年学者奖”获得者,中国免疫学会青年工作委员会副主任委员,《中华临床免疫与风湿病》杂志通讯编委,获中华医学科技奖壹等奖(授奖人之一)。自2002年以来一直致力于HBV感染诱导肝脏免疫损伤的天然免疫机制研究。已发表SCI收录论文20余篇,包括以第一作者在Hepatology、J Hepatol、Clin Cancer Res等发表论文7篇;参与编写著作4部。作为课题负责人获得国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金、面上项目的资助。
1. Kong X, Sun R, Chen Y, Wei H, Tian Z. γδT cells drive myeloid-derived suppressor cell-mediated CD8+ T cell exhaustion in hepatitis B virus-induced immunotolerance.J Immunol. 2014 Aug 15;193(4):1645-53.
2. Tian Z, Chen Y, Gao B. Natural killer cells in liver disease.Hepatology. 2013 Apr; 57(4):1654-62.
3. Jin Z, Sun R, Wei H, Gao X, Chen Y, Tian Z. Accelerated liver fibrosis in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice: Involvement of natural killer T cells. Hepatology. 2011 Jan;53(1):219-29.
4. Zhang W, Chen Y, Wei H, Zheng C, Sun R, Zhang J, Tian Z.Antiapoptotic activity of autocrine interleukin-22 and therapeutic effects of interleukin-22-small interfering RNA on human lung cancer xenografts. Clin Cancer Res. 2008;14(20):6432-9.
5. Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Dong Z, Zhang J, Tian Z. Increased susceptibility to liver injury in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice involves NKG2D-ligand interaction and natural killer cells. Hepatology. 2007;46(3):706-15
6. Chen Y, Sun R, Jiang W, Wei H, Tian Z. Liver-specific HBsAg transgenic mice are over-sensitive to Poly(I:C)-induced liver injury in NK cell- and IFN-gamma-dependent manner. J Hepatol. 2007;47(2):183-90.